Processing a Return

Before a return is delivered to the taxpayer, it must be uploaded and processed. We recommend that you double-check that the client information, overpayment and applied amounts, voucher amounts, and due dates are correct before delivery. The steps below outline how to upload, process, edit, and deliver a return.

Please note:

Do not open the same return in more than one browser tab. This can cause delivery and signing issues. 

Uploading a Return

Uploading Returns


For CCH® Axcess and ProSystem fx®, you can upload up to 30 returns at once. For GoSystem Tax RS®, Lacerte®, and UltraTax CS® each return must be uploaded individually alongside separate PDF copies of any K-1 packages.

To manually upload a return PDF(s), follow the steps outlined below. If you are using integration to upload returns, please see the following articles: 

UltraTax CS® Integration

GoSystem® Tax RS Integration

Lacerte® Integration

CCH Axcess™ Integration

  1. Click Send Tax Returns.
  2. Click the corresponding tax software button.
  3. Drag the client copy to Drag files here or click to upload
  4. Toggle Draft returns on or off. 
  5. Verify or enter Client ID.
  6. View the Upload Progress bar, it turns green when the upload is complete. 
  7. Click Submit. 

Begin Processing

Newly uploaded returns appear in the Tax Returns In-Process dashboard. The return moves from an UPLOADED status to a READY status. See Tax Returns In-Process Statuses for more information. 

Please note:

The ERO automatically populates based on the PTIN on the return, a matching ID in Client Management, or the user's My Settings default in that order. If none of these apply, an ERO must be selected during processing. 

  1. Locate the return to be opened. 
  2. Click the purple rocket ship icon in the Action menu to open the return. 

General Navigation Information

During processing, there are several tabs that you can navigate to by clicking them. The navigation features of these tabs are outlined below. 

Move and Zoom

  1. Click the Bookmark Name in the bookmark panel to display that page. 
  2. Adjust the zoom level using the Adjust Zoom drop-down list or +/- icons.
  3. Navigate through the pages of that tab by using the arrow icons or text box
  4. Click Move To to move the selected page to a different tab. 
  5. Click Previous to navigate to the previous tab.
  6. Click Next to navigate to the next tab.
  7. Click Save & Close to save any changes that have been made to the return.
    • Return will appear in Tax Returns In- Process section with a Processing status. 
  8. Click Finish to view delivery options.

Gen Navigation.jpg

Mark as Draft

A return can be designated as a draft from any tab during processing. See our Draft Returns Overview article for more information about draft returns. 

  1. Toggle Draft returns on. 
  2. Hover over a Pencil icon for more information about draft returns. 

Client Info

The Client Info tab displays the federal form, refunds, payment vouchers, and client information.

  1. Click the page name under Client Details to view that page of the return and open the editing panel on the right (E). 
  2. Click the taxing authority to view the form for the refund or payment due
    • Automatically created vouchers pulled from Direct Debit Report will appear here too. 
    • Note: Details will appear on right side for editing purposes. Must click Update to save edited information. 
  3. Click Return Information to open the editing panel for return specific information. 
    • See below for more information on edit options. 
  4. Click Company OR Taxpayer/Spouse to open the editing panel for this information.
    • See below for more information on edit options. 

Client Info - Edit view all details.jpg

Return Information

  1. Type into the Client ID field to edit it.
  2. Click the drop-down to edit the ERO / Signer assigned to the return. 
  3. Engagement Type and Tax Year cannot be edited. These are automatically recognized. 
  4. Office Location can be changed if permissions exist for your user profile. 
  5. Click the Married Filing Joint box to add/remove a spouse from the return (1040 returns only).  

Client Info- Return information.jpg

Client Details


  1. Type into the Name field to edit the company name. 
  2. Type into the EIN field to edit it. 
  3. Type into the Mobile field to add or edit a mobile number. See Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication for Taxpayers for more information. 
  4. Type into the Email field to add or edit the email address for the return recipient (required). 


Taxpayer and Spouse

The Taxpayer and Spouse information panels are identical. One contains the taxpayer's information and the other contains the spouse's information. 

  1. Verify/edit client details as needed.
  2. Type into the Email field to add or edit the email address for the return recipient (required). 
    • This will prepopulate if it was retained from a prior year return OR pulled from Client Management. 
  3. Click the Deceased checkbox to mark the spouse or taxpayer as deceased.

Client Info - Edit TP Spouse.jpg


Add Refund 

  1. Click the green and white Add Refund button to manually add a refund amount. 
  2. Enter the Refund details. 
    • The refund is automatically calculated by subtracting the applied and penalty amounts from the overpayment amount. 
  3. Click Add to save the refund. 

Client Info - Add refund.jpg

Payments Due

Vouchers amount details can be updated as needed. 

Please note:

Only payment vouchers appear in the Client Info tab. Estimated vouchers appear in the Transmittals and Vouchers tabs.

  1. Click the Authority name next to the amount due to be edited. 
  2. Click the Authority drop-down to change the taxing authority. 
  3. Click the Refund radio button to change the payment due into a refund. 
  4. Type into the Amount field to edit the amount due. 
    • If changed to refund, you must use steps for Add Refund to change amount. 
  5. Click Update to save any changes made. 

Client info - Chnage amount due.jpg

Group Tab

The group tab displays all pages included in the return and can be used to move, delete, and restore pages. 

Move Pages to Different Group

    1. Click a section in the left panel to locate pages to be moved. 
    2. Click Select All checkbox to select all pages within that group OR
    3. Click the checkbox in the top right corner of the page(s). 
    4. Click Move To and select the group the page(s) should be moved to OR 
    5. Drag/drop the page into the correct group. 
      • You may be prompted to enter additional information when moving some forms. 

Group- Move forms.jpg

Restore Pages

Pages moved to the Deleted section are not delivered to the taxpayer. To restore those pages:

  1. Navigate to the Deleted section in the left-hand panel. 
  2. Click Select All checkbox to select all pages within that group OR
  3. Click the checkbox in the top right corner of the page(s). 
  4. Click Move To. and select the group the page(s) should be moved to OR
  5. Drag/drop the page into the correct group. 
    • You may be prompted to enter additional information when moving some forms. 

Group= Restore deleted.jpg


If Returns fails to properly categorize a page of the return, please Report a Problem from within the return to notify our Support Team. Please include the page name, page number, and what Group it should be in for the quickest resolution.


The Transmittals tab displays all transmittal letters and filing instructions included in the return, as well as all vouchers due. Transmittals are displayed in the center so they can be compared to the amounts due listed in the left panel. 

  1. Click a Transmittal bookmark to display that page of the PDF. 
  2. Click the green and white Add Multiple Voucher button to add vouchers. See Adding Voucher Payments Manually for more information. 
  3. Click the Taxing Authority for a voucher to open the editing panel on the right. See the Vouchers section below for information about editing options. 
  4. Select an ERO stamp to apply to the return. 
  5. Drag/drop an ERO Signature Stamp and Date Signed Field onto the selected page. 


Tax Returns

The Tax Returns tab displays all pages in the return that were not recognized as Transmittals, E-file forms, Vouchers, or K-1s. 

  1. Click a Tax Returns bookmark to display that page of the PDF. 
  2. Click the orange Move To button to move the selected page to a different section. 
    1. You may be prompted to enter additional information when moving some forms.
  3. Select an ERO stamp to apply to the return. 
  4. Drag/drop an ERO Signature Stamp and ERO Date Signed Field onto the selected page. 
  5. Select or deselect the Do not add watermark to this page checkbox to add/remove a watermark from the selected page.
    • This is only available if the Watermark feature is enabled in the Delivery Options tab and in your Settings

Tax Returns.jpg


The E-File tab displays all pages in the return that were recognized as e-file forms that require a signature. 

  1. Click an E-File Forms bookmark to display that page of the PDF. 
  2. Click the Edit Authority button to change the taxing authority associated with that form. 
  3. Click the Signer drop-down to select the taxpayer or spouse (only available for 1040 returns).
    • Note: Signature blocks associated with that signer are highlighted in yellow. 
  4. Drag/drop a Signature Block onto the selected page. 
  5. Select an ERO stamp to apply to the return. 
  6. Drag/drop an ERO Signature Stamp and ERO Date Signed Field onto the selected page. 
  7. Select or deselect the Do not insert dates on the E-file forms checkbox to add/remove Date signature blocks from all the forms in the tab. 


Paper File

The Paper File tab is used to manually add paper file returns for the taxpayer.

Please note:

This tab only appears if the Paper File Returns setting is enabled by a System Admin under Settings > General. 

  1. Click the green and white Add Paper File button. 
  2. Drag the Paper File PDF to Drag files here or click to upload
  3. Type into the Form Name field to edit it. 
  4. Upload Progress while turn green when the upload is complete. 
  5. Select a taxing authority from the Authority drop-down menu. 
  6. Type a mailing address into the Mailing Address field. 
  7. Click Submit
Paper File - Upload.jpg

After upload, additional editing options appear. 

  1. Click the red x icon to delete the uploaded paper file return. 
  2. Select an ERO stamp to apply to the return. 
  3. Drag/drop an ERO Signature Stamp onto the selected page. 
  4. Drag/drop an ERO Date Signed Field onto the selected page. 
  5. Type into the Form Name box to edit it. 
  6. Click the Authority drop-down to select a different taxing authority. 
  7. Type into the Mailing Address field to edit it. 

Additional E-Sign Documents

The Additional E-Sign Documents tab is used to manually add e-file forms that were not included in the original return PDF. This tab functions the same way as the E-File tab after documents are uploaded. 

Upload E-Sign Document

  1.  Click the green and white Add Document button. 
  2. Drag the Paper File PDF to Drag files here or click to upload
  3. Upload Progress will turn green when the upload is complete. 
  4. Select a document type from the Document Type drop-down menu. 
  5. Click Submit

Additional E Sign- Upload.jpg

Edit E-Sign Document

After upload, you can edit or delete the document if needed. 

Please note:

Signature blocks are not automatically added to additional e-sign documents. They must be added manually.
  1. Click the Modify Added Document button to edit the document type. 
  2. Select a Document Type from the drop-down. 
  3. Click Delete to delete the document.
  4. Add signature blocks as outlined in the E-File section above.

Additional E-Sign - Edit options.jpg


The Vouchers tab displays all pages in the return that were recognized as payment or estimated vouchers. These initial payment vouchers can be edited or deleted, and new payment vouchers can be manually added.

Please note:

Some vouchers are created automatically by SafeSend. See our Direct Deposit/Debit Reports and Transmittal Recognition Overview articles for more information. Vouchers created from transmittal letters require action to be taken. 

  1. Click Add Vouchers to add vouchers to the return. See Adding Voucher Payments Manually for more information. 
  2. Click Remove all $0 vouchers to delete all $0 vouchers from the return. 
  3. Click the Taxing Authority in the left panel to display the voucher and open the editing panel for that voucher in the right panel. 
    • See Editing Vouchers below for more information. 
  4. Click Move To to delete or move voucher to different section.


Editing Vouchers

  1. Click the Taxing Authority in the left panel to open the editing options for that voucher in the right panel. 
  2. View the Voucher Details and make edits as needed. 
    • The due date will revert to SSR Default Due Date if we are unable to read a due date on the voucher form. Read more about our default due dates in our Voucher Date Policy article.
      • If a date appears on the form, please use Report a Problem to open a support ticket and have this further investigated. 
  3. Click the Watermark drop-down to designate the payment method for the voucher. Note: If payment does not 
    • DO NOT PAY: Scheduled for automatic withdrawal: This will remove the authority payment link and ability to print voucher. 
    • Online Payment Required: This will only provide the taxing authorities payment link. 
    • Add Custom: Insert a different payment link than the one provided by SafeSend. 
  4. Click Update to save any changes made. 

Vouchers- Edit Voucher.jpg


The K-1s tab displays all pages in the return that were recognized as K-1s. The K-1 packages are separated and displayed in the left panel. 

  1. Click the K-1 Recipient Name in the left panel to open the editing panel for that package in the right panel. 
  2. Click the green and white Add K-1 Attachments button to add attachments to one or more K-1s. See Attachments on K-1s for more information. 
  3. Click the Replace button to upload a custom instruction sheet for the K-1 recipients. 
  4. Review the K-1 Partner Information and make any edits as needed. 
  5. Toggle Mask SSN/EIN on to mask SSN/EINs on shareholder documents. 

K-1s- Edit options.jpg


The Invoices tab displays any pages that were recognized as invoices. Users can also add or replace invoices here.

Please note:

This tab only appears if the Invoices setting is enabled by a System Admin under Settings > Vouchers & Invoices.

  1. The bookmark name is displayed in the left panel. 
  2. Type into the Invoice Amount box to add or edit the total amount due.
    • Note: This step is required. The amount is not automatically recognized. 
  3. Select or deselect Do not send an invoice with this return to include or suppress the invoice.
  4. Click Require taxpayer to pay invoice with this return to force the taxpayer to pay their invoice before they sign. See Stripe Integration for Client Invoicing for more information. 
  5. Click Replace Invoice to add an invoice or to replace the existing one. 
  6. Select an ERO stamp to apply to the return. 
  7. Drag/drop an ERO stamp onto the selected page. 


Add or Replace Invoice 

Add an invoice if none exists, or replace the existing one. 

  1. Click Replace invoice
  2. Drag the Invoice PDF to Drag files here or click to upload
  3. Type into the Bookmark Name field. 
  4. Type the amount due into the Amount Due field. 
  5. Click Save to save the changes. 



The Attachments tab is used to manually add forms that were not included in the original return PDF. 

  1. Drag the file(s) to Drag files here or click to upload
  2. View file information including file type, document name, file size, upload date, and uploader. 
  3. Click View Instruction to view, add, or edit document instructions for the taxpayer. 
  4. Click the Download icon to download the file. 
  5. Click the red x icon to Delete the file. 

Attachments - Upload and Process.jpg

Delivery Options

The Delivery Options tab is used to review and edit the default settings for the return. Review our Delivery Options article for more details. 

Finish Options

The Finish button allows the user to send the return to another internal user for review, or deliver the return to the client. 

Internal Routing

Send for Review

  1. Click Finish
  2. Click Send for Review to assign the review to another user. 
  3. Click the Select drop-down to choose a user to assign the return to. 
  4. Click Send to send the return to the selected user. 

Send for review.png

Approve for Delivery 

  1. Click Finish
  2. Click Approve for Delivery to change the status of the return to Approved for Delivery.
  3. Click the Select drop-down to choose a user to assign the return to. 
  4. Click Send to send the return to the selected user. 

Approve for delivery.png


Deliver to Client

  1. Click Finish
  2. Click Deliver to Client to deliver the return to the taxpayer. 
  3. Select the Taxpayer or Spouse radio button to determine which receives the return first (for joint 1040 returns only). 
  4. Click Send to deliver the return. 

Deliver to client.png

Download PDF

  1. Click Finish
  2. Click Download PDF to deliver a PDF copy of the return to your Delivered Returns section (only available if the setting is enabled). See Finish Option - Download PDF for more information. 
  3. Select Download Multiple PDF files to separate the PDF download into individual files OR
  4. Select Download Single PDF file to download all of the sections prepared by SafeSend into one document.
  5. Check Notify me by Email when the file(s) are available for Download to receive an email when the client has downloaded the return.
  6. Click Prepare PDF File(s) For Printing to start the download process.

Send- PDF to file.png

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