Attachments on K-1s

If additional documents need to be distributed to shareholders, SafeSend Returns lets you do so by adding K-1 attachments. Attachments can be delivered to all K-1 recipients or a select group. An indicator in the K-1 tab next to the recipient name will let you know when attachments are going to be delivered to them.

Add a K-1 attachment

  1. Go to the K-1 tab of an entity return.
  2. Click Add (+) in the Add Attachments panel.
  3. In the pop-up, drag an attachment to the upload square (or click within the dotted box to browse your computer).
  4. Click the drop-down in the Recipient(s) column and select those shareholders who should receive the attachment.
  5. Click Add.

Attachments will appear as specific line items in the Add Attachments panel. Those shareholders who are receiving attachments will see an icon to the right of their name. Hovering over the icon will show which attachments they are receiving.

When the client or the shareholder downloads the K-1 documents, the attachments will be included.



Edit recipients of a K-1 attachment

  1. Click the Edit icon on the attachment in the Add Attachments panel.
  2. Click the drop-down in the Recipient(s) column and select or deselect the partners who should receive the attachment.
  3. Click Save.


Delete a K-1 attachment

  1. Click on the attachment in the Add Attachments panel.
  2. Click Delete (x) to the right of the attachment.
  3. Click Save.


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