Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) Support

Returns can recognize PTIN numbers after submission of a federal return and match it to an existing user in the firm. To work properly, users must have PTINs added to their user profiles. 


  • Only a System Admin can add PTINs to user profiles.
  • The ERO/Signer of a return only changes to the matched PTIN after the return is submitted and its status changes to READY.
  • If a PTIN is not recognized on a return, the ERO/Signer must be selected in the Client Info tab during processing. 
  • If you do not want to manually select an ERO during processing, select a default ERO in your My Settings menu.

Adding PTINs to users profile

  1. Navigate to Account Management.
  2. Select User Management.
  3. Click Edit under Actions for the user.
  4. Enter the preparer's tax identification number in the PTIN field.
  5. Click Update.

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