Occasionally, a form or field that should be recognized by SafeSend is not recognized. This could be a voucher, e-file form, overpayment/applied amount, or transmittal.
Form Not Recognized
Please note:
- Transmittals must have a bookmark name that includes "transmittal" or "filing instructions" to be placed in the Transmittals tab.
- No due dates, amounts due, or other information is pulled from transmittal letters.
- Invoices must have a bookmark name that includes "invoice" to be placed in the invoices tab.
If a page is not recognized by SafeSend, it will appear in the Tax Returns tab. You can use the orange Move To button to move the page to the appropriate tab.
Field Not Recognized or Incorrect
Please note:
Interest is not automatically recognized. If these amounts affect the overall refund amount, the overpayment/applied amounts should be edited manually.
If the overpayment/applied/penalty amount is incorrect, you can edit the amount or add a refund in the Client Info tab.
If an amount due is incorrect, you can edit the amount in the Vouchers tab.
Report the Issue
For vouchers, e-file forms, and overpayment/applied amounts, you can Report a Problem from the action menu for that return after it is delivered. This will allow the Support team to download the return and correct the issue moving forward.
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