E-File Tab

This section contains all of the pages that require a Taxpayer's signature to complete the document.

E-File Forms

  1. Review the E-File Forms to make sure all are listed with the correct Authority and Form Name (i.e. Federal IRS 8879).
    1. Click the Edit Authority  icon to open the Specify Authority window.
    2. Select the correct Authority from the drop-down.
    3. Click Update to save any changes. 


Add signature blocks to the form as needed. 

    1. Click the Signer drop-down to select the taxpayer or spouse (only available for 1040 returns). Signature blocks associated with that signer are highlighted in yellow. 
    2. Drag/drop Signature Blocks onto the selected page. The block is assigned to the selected taxpayer. 
      • Signature
      • Date Signed
      • Printed Name
      • Title
      • Initials
      • Company
      • Text
    3. Delete a block by clicking the X in the top-right of the block.

ERO Signature Stamp

ERO Signature Stamps will be applied to the page automatically if enabled.

    1. Select an ERO stamp to apply to the return. 
    2. Drag/drop an ERO Signature Stamp onto the selected page. 
    3. Drag/drop an ERO Date Signed Field onto the selected page. 
    4. Delete a box by clicking the X in the top-right of the box.
    5. Toggle Do not insert dates on the E-File forms on to remove date blocks on the e-file forms.

Once you have completed reviewing the E-File tab, click Next in the bottom right or select the Additional E-Sign Documents tab.

Follow this link to proceed to the next step in the process, the Additional E-Sign Documents Tab.

Client Info Tab Group Tab Transmittals Tax Returns E-File Additional E-Sign Documents Vouchers K-1s Invoices Attachments Delivery Options

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