Client Info Tab

When processing a return, the first tab is the Client Info tab. It contains information recognized from the submitted return. Users can verify the information was extracted properly and make adjustments as needed.

When done reviewing, users can click the Next button to continue processing the return, click Save & Close to save their progress and close the return, or click Finish to initiate delivery.

Refunds & Payments Due

The Refunds & Payments Due section breaks out payments and refunds into individual line items. Payments due are shown in red. Refunds are shown in green. Clicking the red (x) on a line item removes it. Clicking on the name of a line item (for example, Federal) shows a Refunds & Payments Due section in the right panel and displays that page of the return. 

Please note:

Payment vouchers are the only amounts due displayed. Estimated payment vouchers are displayed in the Transmittals and Vouchers tabs. 

  1. Click the Authority in the left panel. 
  2. Edit as needed in the Refunds & Payments Due section in the right panel. 
    • Choose an authority from the drop-down.
    • Mark an item as a payment or refund.
    • Enter an amount due, overpayment, or applied amount. 
  3. Click Update to save any changes. 

Add Refund

If an overpayment or applied amount is not recognized for any reason, users can manually add these in the Added Refund section.

  1. Click the green and white Add Refund
  2. Click the Authority drop-down to select a taxing authority for the refund. 
  3. Type into the Overpayment field to add an overpayment amount. 
  4. Type into the Applied field to add an applied amount. 
  5. The Refund is automatically calculated by subtracting the applied amount from the overpayment amount. 
  6. Click Add to save the refund. 



The Overpayments section displays any overpayments automatically recognized from the return and those manually added. 

  1. Click the Authority in the left panel. 
  2. Edit as needed in the Refunds & Payments Due section in the right panel. 
    • Choose an authority from the drop-down.
    • Mark an item as a payment or refund.
    • Enter an amount due, overpayment, or applied amount. 
  3. Click Update to save any changes. 

Return Information

In the right panel, Return Information contains details on the return as it was entered upon upload. 

  1. Type into the Client ID field to edit it.
  2. Click the drop-down to edit the ERO / Signer assigned to the return. 
  3. Engagement Type cannot be edited; this information is automatically recognized.
  4. Tax Year cannot be edited; this information is automatically recognized.
  5. Office Location can be changed if additional options exist for your user profile. 
  6. Click the Married Filing Joint box to add/remove a spouse from the return (1040 returns only). 

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Taxpayer and Spouse (individual returns only)

These sections provide details on the taxpayer and their spouse (if applicable). It contains information recognized from the return as well as saved information from previous year returns or Client Management

  1. Type into the Name field to edit the taxpayer or spouse's name. 
  2. Type into the SSN field to edit it. 
  3. Type into the Address field to edit it. 
  4. Type into the City field to edit it.
  5. Click the State drop-down to edit it.
  6. Type into the Zip field to edit it. 
  7. Click the DOB field to edit it or leave it blank; the taxpayer can enter their DOB. 
  8. Type into the Mobile field to add or edit a mobile number. See Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication for Taxpayers for more information. 
  9. Type into the Email field to add or edit the email address for the return recipient (required). 
  10. Click the Deceased checkbox to mark the spouse or taxpayer as deceased. See Deceased Taxpayer Option for more information.  PR10.png
Company or Trust (entity returns only)

This section provides details on the client. It contains information recognized from the return as well as saved information from previous year returns or Client Management

  1. Type into the Name field to edit the company name. 
  2. Type into the EIN field to edit it. 
  3. Type into the Mobile field to add or edit a mobile number. See Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication for Taxpayers for more information. 
  4. Type into the Email field to add or edit the email address for the return recipient (required). 


Follow this link to be taken to the next step in the process, the Group Tab.

Client Info Tab Group Tab Transmittals Tax Returns E-File Additional E-Sign Documents Vouchers K-1s Invoices Attachments Delivery Options

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