There should be at least one signature control for the taxpayer to sign.

During processing, when the user clicks Finish, sometimes a yellow warning message appears that reads There should be at least one signature control for the taxpayer to sign.  This message indicates one or more signature controls are missing from the e-file tab for a Signer. At least one signature control is required for each Signer.


Correcting the Warning

Navigate to the E-File page and review the e-file forms.  The boxes highlighted in yellow indicate the selected signer is assigned to those signature controls. 

Click the drop-down underneath e-Signatures and select each signer on the return to review. Make sure that at least one signature box is included for each user.


Alternatively, you can mark the return to be manually signed in the Delivery Options tab. This removes the signature control requirement. The taxpayer is then prompted to manually sign the return. At least 1 e-file form is still required to deliver the return. 


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