UltraTax CS® Return Out of Order

Taxing Authorities Out of Order

SafeSend Returns will order the uploaded e-file forms and vouchers by the taxing authority. They are listed as federal first, then states. The tax return appears in the same order as the uploaded PDF.

If the taxing authorities appear out of order, it is likely because the state and federal returns were printed separately. They should be printed together to prevent this.

Printing the state and federal returns separately can also result in an Error or Non-Supported status on upload. 

Follow the steps below to ensure the state and federal returns are printed together. 

  1. Navigate to Setup > Office Configuration > Print Options > PDF File Options
  2. De-select the Print separate PDF files for each federal and state return checkbox. 



Summary Printing First

If you would prefer that the 2 year summary pages print at the end of the return rather than the beginning, you can adjust the bookmark settings in UltraTax®. 

  1. Navigate to Setup > Office Configuration > Print Options > PDF File Options
  2. De-select the Print PDF return files with bookmarks checkbox. 
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