Voucher Management - Update Estimates

In many cases when sending a tax return the first time, included are Estimated Vouchers for the next tax year. They are often due at a later date. In some situations, these voucher amounts can change, especially in Q3 and Q4. SafeSend now provides a feature to assist with this situation, Voucher Management. 

Setting Client Instructions

An instructional email is sent to the taxpayer when updated vouchers are delivered. An administrator on the account can edit this email template as necessary. A default message is provided. 


Whichever message is marked as the Default is sent to all return recipients. These templates cannot be selected on a return-by-return basis.

  1. Navigate to Client Instructions.
  2. Navigate to the Voucher Revision Mail Notification section. 
  3. Click the Add Message button to create a new template OR 
  4. Click the Edit icon to update the selected template. 

Voucher revision mail notification.png

Upload New or Updated Estimated Vouchers and/or Transmittals

If estimated tax vouchers have been changed after initial delivery, users can upload updated and/or new estimated vouchers and deliver those to the taxpayer.


  • Vouchers added manually during processing cannot be overridden. If a voucher is uploaded with the same taxing authority and quarter as a manually created voucher, 2 vouchers will appear on the client side. 
  • Users can upload a PDF with estimated vouchers only or vouchers with new/updated transmittals.
  • Users must print estimated vouchers from the tax software to include bookmarks.
  • If no bookmarks exist in the PDF, the upload will fail.
  • It is not recommended to use extraction within a copy of the tax return. 
  • Voucher quarter, taxing authority and form name all must match to successfully replace the existing voucher. 
  1. Navigate to Delivered Returns.
  2. Locate the return and click the More (...) menu.
  3. Click Upload Estimates.
  4. Client Id, Tax Year, Taxpayer/Spouse Name, and Taxpayer/Spouse Email are automatically pulled from the previously delivered return. This can not be edited in this window
  5. Drag and Drop or Click to Upload the new/updated estimated vouchers. 
  6. Click Submit.

Process Newly Uploaded Estimates

In the Voucher Processing window, you can view the newly updated transmittals and estimated vouchers. You can then edit them and update the already delivered return with the new/updated estimated vouchers and transmittals. 


  • Duplicate vouchers are not displayed. Duplicate vouchers have the same taxing authority, due date, and amount due. 
  • Vouchers past their due date are not displayed. 

Begin Processing

  1. Click the purple processing icon to open the processing window OR
  2. Click the red x icon to start over. 
    • This does not delete the return; it exits the Voucher Management process. 

Transmittals Tab

  1. Click a Transmittal to display/review it.
  2. Click the Add Multiple Voucher button to manually add vouchers (optional). 
    • This will not override any existing vouchers. 
  3. Click an Authority Name in the Recognized Vouchers panel to view/edit Voucher Details
  4. Drag and drop the ERO Signature Stamp onto the transmittal documents as needed.


Vouchers Tab

  1. Click a Voucher to display/review it and open the Voucher Details panel. New/updated vouchers are displayed. 
    • New - The uploaded estimated voucher is brand new and does not match an existing voucher in the delivered return.
    • Updated - The uploaded estimated voucher matches one in the return but has a different amount due or due date.
  2. Use the Voucher Details panel to edit the individual fields of each voucher if necessary.
    • Click Update to save any changes made. 
  3. Click Finish.
  4. Click Send in the Finish Return Processing window to deliver the updated estimated vouchers to the client. 


New and Updated Vouchers for the Taxpayer

After the new/updated estimated vouchers are delivered to the taxpayer, an email notification will be sent to them. The email notification will be taken from the pre-defined Client Instructions: Voucher Revisions section. 

    • The email comes from noreply@safesendreturns.com with a link to their updated return.  
    • The taxpayer is prompted to authenticate after clicking the link.
    • They can navigate to the Make Tax Payments section to see the updated vouchers. 
  1. Click the Make Tax Payments button
  2. Click the Estimated Payments button.
  3. The taxpayer can click through the list of estimated vouchers. If any have been updated or added, they will be identified as such.
    • New - The estimated voucher payment that has been added to your return.
    • Updated - The amount due on a previously delivered voucher has been updated.


Clicking Download Filing Instructions downloads the updated transmittals with revised due dates. 




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Voucher Management FAQ

Voucher Reminder Notifications

Voucher Reminders - Taxpayer Experience 

Action Icons: Delivered Returns Report

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