Transmittal Recognition Overview

Transmittal recognition generates vouchers from items listed in the transmittal letters when no other voucher was included in the return. This article outlines the firm and client experience with transmittal recognition. 

Please note:


Enable or disable this feature in your Returns Settings. When the setting is updated, it will only apply to newly uploaded returns moving forward. It does not affect uploaded or delivered returns. 

Please note:

Only System Administrators have access to the Settings section.

  1. Click the Navigation Widget
  2. Click Tax Returns
  3. Click Settings in the left panel. 
  4. Click Vouchers & Invoices
  5. Toggle AI Recognition on or off. 
  6. Click Apply to save any changes made.


Generated vouchers can be viewed and edited in the Vouchers tab during processing. 

Please note:

These vouchers must be removed or confirmed before the return can be delivered.

  1.  Upload a return. 
  2. Click the purple rocket ship icon in the Action menu to open the return.
  3. Navigate to the Vouchers tab. 
  4. Click a voucher in the Action Needed column. 
  5. Review the associated Transmittal letter. 
  6. Update Voucher Details as needed. 
  7. Select a Watermark option from the drop-down. 
  8. Check the I have read. . . checkbox. 
  9. Click Remove if the voucher is not needed OR
  10. Click Confirm & Add to add the voucher to the return.

When the Remove option is used, the transmittal letter stays in the Transmittals tab, but no voucher is created. 

When the Confirm & Add option is used, a voucher is created and added to the Vouchers section in the left panel. The transmittal letter also stays in the Transmittals tab. 

Related Articles

Direct Deposit/Debit Reports

Returns Settings Overview

Vouchers Tab

Client Experience: Make Voucher Payments

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