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What is the Voucher Management feature? |
The Voucher Management feature lets users update previously delivered estimated payment vouchers. |
When would I use Voucher Management? |
Use Voucher Management if the estimated tax due for a client has changed after delivering the return or if the due date has changed. Users can upload and replace the estimated payment vouchers. |
What pricing tiers have access to the Voucher Management feature? |
All pricing tiers have access to this feature. |
Do I need to enable Voucher Management to use it? | No. Voucher Management is a core feature that is always available. |
Is Voucher Management used only for estimated payment vouchers? | Yes. If other payment voucher amounts have changed, the return must be recalled, corrected, and uploaded again to SafeSend. For more information, see Recalling a return. |
Can I use Voucher Management more than once during the tax season? | Yes. Users can update estimated payment vouchers as often as needed. |
Is Voucher Management compatible with the tax software integrations? |
No. The integrations are a special feature that uploads returns directly into SafeSend from the tax software. It does not work with Voucher Management. Integration users must manually output updated estimated payment vouchers and upload them to the proper returns. |
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How do I upload an updated estimated payment voucher? |
Go to Tax Returns > Delivered Returns and click the More Actions (...) drop-down on a return. From the menu, select Upload Estimates. |
What pages need to be in the uploaded PDF for Voucher Management? | The PDF must include updated estimated payment vouchers. It's also recommended to include transmittals, as providing updated instructions to clients is a best practice. |
Does Voucher Management automatically match the uploaded estimated vouchers to the previously delivered vouchers based on SSN or EIN? |
No. Users must manually select a return to upload updated estimates. Thoroughly review the uploaded vouchers and transmittals before delivery to ensure they are sent to the correct client. |
If I upload a fully updated tax return, will Voucher Management identify any changed estimated payment vouchers? |
Yes. Users can upload a full return and SafeSend will recognize the updated vouchers. |
Can I upload estimated payment vouchers if only the due date has changed? | The amount due for the voucher must also be different for the voucher to be recognized. If the amount due is the same, the voucher is recognized as a duplicate. |
Do I have to upload all estimated payment vouchers when using Voucher Management? | If the vouchers show quarter designations, then only upload new or updated estimated payment vouchers. If the vouchers do not have quarter designations, upload all estimated payment vouchers. |
How do I change or add information for just online payments required or auto withdrawals? |
Users must upload new estimated payment vouchers and, during processing, choose the proper watermark in the Voucher Details panel. Watermarks are available to indicate online payment or auto withdrawals. For more information, see Voucher Management. |
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Do I need to re-enter the client’s email address? |
No. The email address will carry over from the previously delivered return. |
Can I edit voucher due dates? |
The amount due for the voucher must also be different for the voucher to be recognized. If the amount due is the same, the voucher is recognized as a duplicate. If the amount due is different, the due date can be edited like it can be during processing. |
Can I add ERO stamps on the transmittals? |
Yes. If the firm has ERO stamps enabled, users can add signature stamps for EROs. |
What do the Updated and New tags mean on uploaded vouchers? |
The tags on vouchers provide a visual indicator of changes.
Does Voucher Management show me all the previously delivered transmittals and vouchers in the return? |
No. Only new or updated estimated payment vouchers and transmittals are shown. |
Can I manually add vouchers in Voucher Management? |
Yes. Users can manually add vouchers during processing. These will not override any existing vouchers. |
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Client experience
Are clients notified when an updated estimated payment voucher is sent to them? |
Yes. Clients will receive an email indicating their estimated payment vouchers have been revised. |
Can clients see what estimated payment vouchers have been added or updated? |
Yes. Clients will see Updated and New tags on vouchers in the estimated payments section. |
Can clients still click on the Pay button to be directed to the correct taxing authority’s website to make payments? |
Yes. The payment process remains the same for clients. |
For joint returns, who receives the payment reminder emails? |
Payment reminders are sent to the taxpayer unless the return was delivered to the spouse first and has not been signed. |
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Why am I not seeing my updated estimated payment vouchers when I upload? |
There are three reasons that would prevent a user from seeing updated estimated payment vouchers:
Why do I get a "Recognition Failed" message? |
A form was uploaded that was not recognized by SafeSend. |
Why do I get a "Duplicate Estimates Found" message? |
If the PDF contains estimated payment vouchers that haven’t changed from what was delivered, Voucher Management marks them as duplicates. Users will be notified if SafeSend recognizes a duplicate voucher and can choose to reprocess or discard the upload. Voucher Management will not display duplicate vouchers. |
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Voucher Reminder Notifications
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