Paper File Returns

Firms have the ability to send taxpayers' returns that are required to be filed by paper (Paper File Returns). Taxpayers are able to download and print forms for paper filing so they can be signed and mailed to the correct taxing authority.

Please note:

Paper file returns cannot be delivered by themselves. At least 1 e-file form with a signature control is also required to deliver the return. 

Activating Paper File Returns

Before your firm can begin to process paper file returns it must be activated in the company settings. This can only be activated by a System Administrator.

  1. Navigate to Settings
  2. Click General.
  3. Click the Paper File Returns toggle button under Filing Option. 
    • The button switches to the On position. 
  4. Click Apply
    • Paper File returns are now activated for your entire firm. 

Note: There is no individual setting for Paper File Return. This is a firm-wide setting that affects all users. 

What is Different with Paper File Returns Enabled

When the firm has Paper File Returns enabled there are some new options available. These features are outlined below.

New Column in Delivered/Archived Returns

  • When Paper File Returns is active, there is a new column in the Delivered and Archived returns called Filing Type.
  • This column reflects whether or not a return has paper file forms included. 
  • When a return has only E-File forms the Filing Type for that return is E-Filed. When a return has both E-File and Paper File forms, the Filing Type is E-File & Paper File.
  • This column is sortable, and filterable, and is listed in the Excel file after export.

New Paper File-Specific Saved Messages

  • When the firm has Paper File Returns enabled a new Saved Message category is populated. 
    • The Paper Filed Instructions function like the other Saved Messages where you can create custom messages and save one as default.
    • These messages appear to the taxpayer after the Summary section before the Review section. 
  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Click Saved Messages.
  3. Under Paper Filed Instructions users can add a new custom message and save that custom message as the default. 

Processing a Paper File Return

  • When processing a return, there is a new tab called Paper File.
  • This is where users upload Paper File forms and apply ERO stamps.
  • For more information on how to use the new Paper File tab please see the Processing a Return article. 



In the Delivery Options tab, users have the option to choose which Paper File Instruction applies to the return before sending.


Client Experience

When a delivered return includes a paper file form, the taxpayer view has a new and unique section where they can interact with the paper file forms. They are able to download and print the Paper File forms to sign and mail them. See the Client Experience article for a detailed outline of the taxpayer experience.


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