Transmittals Tab

This tab displays Transmittals and displays the captured vouchers under the Recognized Vouchers section. This makes it easy to compare amounts due listed in the transmittal to recognized amounts due from vouchers. 


  1. Click a Transmittals bookmark to display that page of the PDF. 
  2. Adjust the zoom level using the Adjust Zoom drop-down list or +/- icons.
  3. Navigate through the pages of that tab by using the arrow icons or text box
  4. Click Move To to move the selected page to a different tab. 

Manually Added Vouchers

  1. Click the Add Multiple Voucher  button.
  2. Select the Authority for the voucher(s).  
  3. Enter the Form Name for each voucher to be added.
  4. Edit the Due Date field for each voucher as needed.
  5. Enter the Amount for each voucher.
  6. Select the Watermark for the vouchers.  The first choice automatically fills all Watermark fields, but can be adjusted manually.
    • DO NOT PAY: Scheduled for automatic withdrawal: Taxpayers do not have a payment option. 
    • Online Payment Required: Taxpayers do have the option to pay online but do not have a manual payment option. 
    • Add Custom: Taxpayers do not have a payment option. The processor can add custom instructions/notes to the voucher. 
  7. Click Add to create the manual vouchers.


ERO Signature Stamp

  1. Select an ERO stamp to apply to the document. 
  2. Drag/drop an ERO Signature Stamp onto the selected page. 
  3. Drag/drop an ERO Date Signed Field onto the selected page. 
  4. Delete a box by clicking the X in the top-right of the box.

Follow this link to proceed to the next step in the process, the Tax Returns Tab.

Client Info Tab Group Tab Transmittals Tax Returns E-File Additional E-Sign Documents Vouchers K-1s Invoices Attachments Delivery Options

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