K-1 Tab

This tab houses all of the return's K-1 recipients and allows you to review their pages, replace instructions as necessary, and update their information before delivery.

  1. K1 Bookmarks
    • This column lists all of the K-1 recipients recognized via bookmarks included in the uploaded PDF (i.e. partners/shareholders).
    • You can select a bookmark from the list, and edit the associated information on the right under Shareholder Information.
  2. Add Attachments
    • You can add attachments for K-1 recipients here.  After adding the file you can select which recipients will receive it.
  3. Actions
    • Upload instructional documents for partners.
  4. Shareholder Information
    • Edit shareholder information including the email address the K-1 will be delivered to.
    • Please Note: The email address entered will be associated with the SSN/EIN for the K-1 and will carry over year over year. 
  5. Mask SSN/EIN
    • Toggle Mask SSN/EIN on to mask SSN/EINs on shareholder documents. 

Follow this link to proceed to the next step in the process, the Invoices Tab.

Client Info Tab Group Tab Transmittals Tax Returns E-File Additional E-Sign Documents Vouchers K-1s Invoices Attachments Delivery Options

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