Client Portal Experience

This article outlines the full taxpayer experience in the Client Portal dashboard. The taxpayer can view and access outstanding tasks, upload and download documents, pay vouchers, distribute K-1s, and update settings. 

Please note:

The Client Portal is not currently compatible with tablets or mobile devices. 

Access the Client Portal

The taxpayer receives an email with a link to the Client Portal. All emails come from Alternatively, the firm can provide their custom Client Portal URL located in your Suite Settings > General menu. 

  1. Click Access Client Portal.
Create New Account
  1. Click Sign Up.
  2. Enter your Name
  3. Enter your Email ID
  4. Click Verify your email.
  5. Enter the Access Code sent to your email.  
  6. Click Confirm.
  7. Type a 6 digit PIN into the Create PIN field (used for future logins). 
  8. Type the same 6-digit PIN into the Confirm PIN field. 
  9. Click Create Account.
  10. Sign in to your account as outlined below. 
Sign In To An Existing Account
  1. Enter your Email ID
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Enter your PIN (only required when logging in from a new browser or device).
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Enter the Access Code sent to your email.  
  6. Click Confirm.
Home Page

This is the main dashboard for the Client Portal. You can review recent activity, pending tasks, completed tasks, firm information, and notifications here. 

Recent Activity

This section displays the 5 most recent actions taken, including opening or completing tasks and downloading files. This section does not display actions taken in the Tax Payments or K-1 Distribution sections. 

  1. View a summary of your Recent Activity
  2. Click the Name of the item to be re-directed to it.

Send Files

  1. Click Send Files to CPA to upload documents to your tax firm.

Contact Information

  1. View the Contact Information for someone at your tax firm.

Notification Bell 

  1. Click the Notification Bell to open your recent notifications. 
  2. Click a line item to be redirected to that document or task.

Completed Tasks

  1. Click Completed Tasks.
  2. Review recently completed items.

Pending Tasks 

  1. Review your Pending Tasks
  2. Click Get Started to be re-directed to that task. See the Related Articles section below for a walk-through of each task type.  

Review and download completed, sent and received documents. 

  1. Click Documents in the left panel.

Search & Filter

Choose which documents to display. 


  1. Type a keyword into the Search field. 
  2. Click Search to display related documents. 


  1. Click the Filter button. 
  2. Select a Date Range (optional). 
  3. Select one or more Status (optional). 
  4. Select one or more File Type (optional). 
  5. Click Apply to save any changes made.


  1. Click Sort By
  2. Click Newest First to sort by date OR
  3. Click Oldest First to sort by date.


  1. Click the arrow next to a folder to expand it. 
  2. Locate the document. 
  3. Review the signature Status for documents requiring signature. 
  4. Click View to open a preview of the document.
  5. Use the Navigation Bar OR
  6. Bookmark panel to navigate the document. 
  7. Click Download to save a copy.


  1. Click the arrow next to a folder to expand it. 
  2. Locate the document. 
  3. Click the More button. 
  4. Click Download OR
  5. Double-click the document Name to save a copy.

View Message

  1. Click the arrow next to a folder to expand it. 
  2. Locate the document. 
  3. Click the More button. 
  4. Click Message From CPA
  5. Click View Message to see a note from your tax firm. 
  6. Click OK to close the window.


Upload documents to your tax firm. 

  1. Click Send Files to be re-directed to the firm's upload page. 
  2. Follow the steps in our Upload Documents guide (access code is not required when uploading from the Client Portal). 
Tax Payments

Review your tax payments and pay your vouchers. 

  1. Click Tax Payments in the left panel. 
  2. Vouchers are separated by Due Date.


  1. Click View
  2. Review a summary of your payments due for that due date. 
  3. Click Ok to close the summary.


  1. Click Pay to be re-directed to your Make Payments dashboard. 
  2. Follow the steps in our Make Voucher Payment article.
Distribute K-1s

Review K-1 delivery status and distribute K-1s. 

  1. Click Distribute K-1s in the left panel. 
  2. Review the delivery Status. 
  3. Click Distribute. 
  4. Follow the steps in our K-1 Distribution article.
Security Settings

Update security settings related to your Client Portal account. 

  1. Click Security Settings in the left panel.

Merge Emails

If you have had documents delivered to multiple email addresses, you can merge those into your existing account. Each email address can only be linked to one Client Portal. 


Merged email addresses cannot be used to log in. Any documents associated with the merged email will be available in the main Client Portal, but the merged email address cannot be used to create a separate Client Portal or login to the main Client Portal. 

  1. Type an email address into the Add another email ID field. 
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the Access Code delivered to that email address. 
  4. Click Verify Code.

Update PIN

Update the PIN used to log in to your Client Portal account. 

  1. Click Update
  2. Enter your Current PIN
  3. Enter your New PIN
  4. Enter your new pin to Confirm
  5. Click Update.

Update Email ID

  1. Click Update
  2. Enter the New Email ID
  3. Click Update.

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