K-1 Distribution - Taxpayer Instructions

Taxpayers will have the option to Distribute their K-1s electronically or download and mail the copies. 


  • The taxpayer can only distribute K-1s after the return has been signed.
  • The taxpayer will receive an email notification if the K-1 recipient declines to consent to receive the document(s) electronically. 
Access Return

You must first complete the first steps of the Client Experience before you will have access to distribute the K-1s. Follow the steps below if you have already completed all steps and need to re-access the return. 

  1. Click the link that was emailed to you by your tax firm.Initial email.png
  2. Click Get Started.
  3. Click the Send Code button to receive an access code.
  4. Enter the code that was sent to you via email or phone and click ConfirmGet code 3-4.png
  5. Click Distribute K-1s on your landing page. Distribute k-1s 5.png


Distribute K-1s Electronically
  1. Click Electronically to distribute the K-1s electronically. Electronic-1.png
  2. Click Edit to add/edit the recipient's information before you email the documents. 
  3. Click the checkbox to the left of the recipient(s) you want to send the K-1s to. 
  4. Click the Email Documents button to send the selected K-1s. Electronic 2-4.png

Download All K-1s

The K-1s will all be downloaded into 1 PDF.

  1. Click Download
  2. Click Download All K-1s

Download All.png

Download Selected K-1s

The K-1s are downloaded as separate PDF copies and are downloaded into a .ZIP file. 

  1. Click the checkbox to the left of the K-1s to be downloaded. 
  2. Click Download Documents
  3. Click Download Selected K-1s

Download selected k-1s.png

Mail Hard Copies

Download Each K-1

  1. Click Mail Hard Copies.Download hard copies.png
  2. Click Download for each K-1 you would like to download.Hard copies- Download each K-1.png

Download Multiples K-1s

Download All K-1s

The K-1s will all be downloaded into 1 PDF. 

  1. Click Download
  2. Click Download All K-1s

HardCopies- Download all.png

Download Selected K-1s

The K-1s are downloaded as separate PDF copies and are downloaded into a .ZIP file. 

  1. Click the checkbox to the left of the K-1s to be downloaded. 
  2. Click Download Documents
  3. Click Download Selected K-1s

HardCopies- Download selected.png


When K-1s are downloaded, the document(s) will either go directly to the default download location on your PC, or they will go to the My Downloads folder inside of SafeSend.

If there are many files or very large files, they will go to the My Downloads folder in SafeSend.
  1. Click on your entity name.
  2. Click My Downloads.

My downloads.png

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