Client Experience: Make Voucher Payments

If voucher reminders are enabled in the Return Settings, Taxpayers will receive a reminder for their upcoming vouchers. Once they access the return, they will have access to a payment link in the program or by downloading a copy of the voucher(s).


Any recipient who has received the initial email to sign their tax return will receive a voucher reminder. 

Access Return

  1. Click Review & Pay in the voucher reminder email delivered by your tax firm.
    • You can also access your vouchers from any return email, including the initial email. 
  1. Click Get Started.
  1. Click the Send Code button to receive an access code.
  2. Enter the code that was sent to you via email or phone and click ConfirmGet code 3-4.png

Make Tax Payments

  1. Once you have accessed the return, you will select Make Tax Payments from the landing screen. 
    • Make tax payments.png
  2. Select the Payment Type.
    • The yearly tax payments and the next year's estimates will be on different screens. Payment type.png

Payments Dashboard

Below are the options that the Taxpayer will have from either of the payment screens:

  1. Click on each due date to see all payments due for that quarter.
  2. Click Pay to open the payment options. 
  3. Click Add Payment Details to enter the information for the payment that was made. 
    • View Edit/Clear Payment details for more details on this option and how to edit this information.
  4. Select the drop-down Email me reminder __ days before payment is due to customize the time frame that you will receive a reminder when you have a payment due. 
  5. Click Payment Voucher to download all payment vouchers.
  6. Click Filing Instructions to download all the filing instructions. 
  7. Click Go To.. to go to the other payment section. 

make payment screen options.png

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