Purchase Additional Returns

You can purchase additional returns from SafeSend Returns. If your balance is running low, simply follow the steps below to add more returns to your account. 

Please note:

  • Only System Administrators have access to the Account Management section to purchase returns.
  • If your account balance reaches 0, your account will not be disabled. You can continue to deliver returns. Your balance will show a negative number, and you will receive an invoice. 
  1. Navigate to Account Management.Account management navigation.png
  2. Click Payment History.
  3. Click Purchase
  4. Enter a Quantity to purchase. 
  5. Click Add
  6. Review purchase summary. 
    • Edit the Number of Returns if needed. 
  7. Click Next. Purchase additional returns.png
  8. Review Order Summary and click Pay
  9. Enter payment details. 
  10. Click Pay

Review and pay.png

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