Returns Settings Overview

The Settings menu allows firm administrators to update and save global default settings for Returns.

Please note:

Only System Administrators have access to the Settings section.
  1. Click Settings in the left panel of Returns. 
  2. Select the settings group you want to adjust.
  3. Click Apply to save any changes made.

Saved Messages

Here you can add, preview, and change Saved Message templates that you can apply while processing a return. Saved message sections: 

  • Saved Messages: The message appears after the taxpayer authenticates and clicks to begin. 
  • Attachment Instructions: This message appears in the Review > Attachments section on the taxpayer side (if attachments are included with the return).
  • Paper File Instructions: This message appears before the taxpayer views their paper file return (if paper file returns are included). 

See our Settings: Saved Messages article for more information. 

Add a New Message

  1. Click the blue Add Message button. 
  2. Enter the Name of the message that appears for firm users during processing. 
  3. Enter the message text to display to the client.  HTML format options are available.
  4. Check Allow users to edit before sending to allow users to edit the message in the Delivery Options tab during processing. 
  5. Click to expand the Show Variables List to include fields in the message that automatically fill with relevant taxpayer data.
  6. Turn the Default toggle to On to make this message the default for all returns during processing.
  7. Click Add to finish the Message and return to the Saved Messages screen.


  • To insert images, copy and paste them from another program.

Edit a Saved Message

  1. Click a saved message from the message list. A preview of the message appears to the right.
  2. Click the Edit button to open the editing window.
  3. You can do the following:
      • Change the name of the message.
      • Set the message as the default message to use when processing.
      • Edit the body of the message in rich text format. This lets you change the font size, style, alignment, and color.
      • Let firm users edit the message before sending the return.
  4. Click Save when you are done making changes.

Client Instructions

Throughout the return process, clients receive email messages that contain instructions for filling out, reviewing, signing, and downloading their returns. They also receive reminders if they haven't reviewed or signed their returns, or if they have a payment due. The following is a list of the email messages and their purpose.

Messages can be added, deleted, or edited by using the controls on the screen. The editing options are the same as those for the Saved Message section. See our Settings: Client Instructions article for more information. 


Whichever message is marked as the Default is sent to all return recipients. These templates cannot be selected on a return-by-return basis.

Message Description
Initial Email This is the first message sent to the client when the return is delivered.
Review and Sign Reminder This is a reminder email sent to the client per the options set during delivery.
Voucher Reminders This reminder email is sent prior to the voucher due date to clients.
Download E-Signed Forms This message is sent to clients once all required parties have completed e-signing the forms in the return.
Recalled Return Instructions This email is sent to clients when the firm recalls their return for correction. 
Payment Instruction This email is sent when payments are required by the client.
Invoice Payment Success Mail Notification The client receives an email message when their invoice is successfully paid (only applies when Stripe is used). 
Voucher Revision Mail Notification This notification is sent to the client when the firm uploads new estimated vouchers to the return. 
Vouchers & Invoices

See our Settings: Vouchers & Invoices article for more information. 

Payment Vouchers

Setting Description 
Enable payment voucher reminders When enabled, automated voucher payment reminders are enabled by default during processing. During processing, this can be edited on a return-by-return basis in the Delivery Options tab. 
Set default reminder to

Select the default reminder period via the drop-down to determine how many days before the due date our system sends those reminders.

Receive an email notification when your client adds payment information  When enabled, users receive email notifications when clients enter their payment information into our system. Note: We do not track the payments from the actual authority, only if the client adds the details to our system.


Default Voucher Due Date

Select the preferred policy for voucher due dates when not printed on the page.

Setting Description 
SSR Default Due date The default voucher due date is automatically applied to all vouchers. See our Voucher Due Date Policy article for more information. 
Voucher Form 

The voucher date is pulled from the printed voucher when possible, otherwise, the default due date is applied. 



Setting Description 
Enable Invoices Toggle on to allow invoices to be sent with returns.
Allow user to send without invoice 

Check the box to enable users to send returns without an invoice.

Allow user to replace invoice 

Check the box to allow users to replace the printed invoice during processing. 


Invoice Payment Processing Options

Setting Description 

Click the radio button to enable Stripe Integration. For more information on how to enable payments through Stripe, please visit our Stripe Integration for Client Invoicing article.

Third Party URL

Click the radio button to enable payment through a Third Party URL. Select this option to enter a URL. The client is redirected to this site to make invoice payments. 

Make Payment outside of SSR System 

Click the radio button to Make Payment outside of SSR System. This disables all payment methods when selected. The client can download the invoice but does not have payment options in SafeSend.


AI Automatic Voucher

Setting Description 
AI Recognition Toggle on to automatically create vouchers by extracting information from transmittal letters. See our Transmittal Recognition Overview article for more information. 
E-Sign Options

1040 Forms

Setting Description 
E-Sign all returns Click the radio button to enable electronic signature on all return types. 
Manually sign all returns Click the radio button to disable the e-signature process on all 1040s.


1040 Knowledge-Based Authentication

Setting Description 

Use Knowledge-Based Authentication to initiate the Signing Process (Required by IRS)

Check the box to enable the KBA process for clients before e-signing.

Allow disabling of Knowledge-Based Authentication on a return-by-return basis. 

Check the box to allow users to enable or disable KBA in the Delivery Options tab during processing. 
Use Knowledge-Based Authentication to initiate the Signing Process for delegated signers (Required by IRS) Check the box to enable the KBA process for delegated signers


Allow ERO Signature Stamps

See the Signature Stamp Guide for more information. 

Setting Description 
Use ERO Signature Stamps Check the box to allow the option for a Partner/ERO user to upload a digital copy of their signature into the program to place onto returns.

Enabled ERO Stamp Delegation

Check the box to allow the Partner/ERO stamp to be applied automatically as users go through the preparation process.


Additional Document for E-Sign

This setting lets you create specific document types that a user in the firm can choose when uploading additional documents for e-signing. By default, Engagement Letter, Consent Form, and Others are available options. To add or edit document types:

  1. Input a new name for a document type in the Column Value field.
  2. Click the green [ + ] button to add the input to the list.
  3. Click the Edit pencil to change the name of the document type.
  4. Click Delete to remove the document type from the list.

Signer Delegation

See the Signer Delegation: Firm Settings article for more information. 

Setting Description 
Individual (1040) Returns Toggle on to enable signer delegation for 1040 returns. 
Entity (1041, 1065, 1120, 1120S, 990) Returns Toggle on to enable signer delegation for entity returns. 


Business & Trust Returns

Setting Description 

Enable E-Signatures for Business & Trust Returns

Check the box to enable e-signature for non-1040 returns.


Automatic Signing Reminders

Setting Description 
Enable Automatic Signing Reminders When enabled, automated reminders to sign are enabled by default during processing. During processing, this can be edited on a return-by-return basis in the Delivery Options tab. 
Set default reminder to

Select the default reminder period for signature requests.

Send default SMS Text Reminder before ___ from due date.

Toggle to On to send a text notification X amount of days before the due date. See our SMS Text Notifications article for more information. 


E-File Forms Settings

If a date and/or title is already printed on the return from your tax software, you can prevent Returns from placing a fillable title field on top of the printed text. 

Setting Description 
Do not insert dates on the E-File forms Check the box to remove automatic date fields from e-file forms during processing.
Do not insert Name and Title on the Entity E-File Forms Check the box to remove title boxes from e-file forms during processing. 



Delivery Options

Setting Description 
Allow the Staff user group to deliver Tax Returns Check the box to give users in the Staff group the ability to deliver returns.
Allow any internal user to Distribute K1's Check the box to give users the ability to enter the return and send K-1s on the client's behalf. See our K-1 Distribution - Firm Instructions article for more information. 


Download Options

Setting Description 

Select how Transmittals are downloaded, either Include in the Tax Return PDF or Create a Separate PDF for the tax return and transmittals. 

Payment Vouchers 

Select how Payment Vouchers are downloaded, either Separate by Quarterly Due Dates or Group in Single PDF.


Filing Option 

For more information about paper file returns see our Paper File Returns article. 

Setting Description 
Paper File Returns

Toggle on to enable the Paper File tab during processing. 


Customize Delivered Report

A custom column can be added to the Delivered Returns and Archive Returns sections for reporting. See our Custom Column Setup & Usage article for more information. 

To add or edit a custom column: 

  1. Enter the name of the custom column into the Column Name field. 
  2. Click Update to save any changes to the Column Name
  3. Click Delete to remove the Custom Column
  4. Enter a new Column Value in the available text field.
  5. Click Add to create the value as a new selection in the Custom Column.
  6. Click Edit to adjust the name of a Column Value.
  7. Click Delete to remove the Column Value from available selections.


For more information about the integration, please see our Setting up TaxCaddy™ and SafeSend Returns Handshake article.

Setting Description 
TaxCaddy Toggle on to enable the integration with TaxCaddy™ and enter your TaxCaddy key.


Download PDF

For more information see the Finish Option - Download PDF article.

Setting Description 

Toggle on to allow users to add the Download PDF option to the Finish step during processing instead of sending it via email to the client.



Setting Description 
E-File Form Toggle on to add a Powered by SafeSend Returns logo on the footer of e-file forms.  



Watermark templates can be created in the Settings menu and applied during processing. For more information about watermarks, see our Watermark Setup and Usage article. 

  1. Toggle Watermarks feature on. 
  2. Enter a name into the Name field. 
  3. Click the Add icon to open the Watermark Settings window.
  4. Edit the watermark using the Selection Panel.  
    • Add or Edit the Name of the watermark.
    • Enter the Watermark Text to be displayed on the pages.
    • Select the Watermark's Font Size.
    • Select the Font style of the watermark.
    • Choose the Opacity of the watermark.
    • Choose the Color of the watermark.
    • Click the Default toggle to apply the watermark to all returns automatically. 
    • Move the watermark to the desired location on the page.  Use the Resize handles to grow and shrink the font area, and the Rotate handle to angle the text.
  5. Click Save & Close.
  6. Click Edit to open the Watermark Settings window for the selected watermark.
  7. Click the Delete icon to remove the watermark from the list.

K1 Settings & Instructions

Mask/Unmask SSN

  1. Toggle Mask SSN/EIN on all K1 documents on to hide SSN/EINs on shareholder documents. 

K1 Instructions

Returns provides IRS-generated instructional PDFs that are delivered to the K-1 recipient. 

  1. Click the Tax Year drop-down to view/download/replace K1 instructional documents for different tax years.
  2. Click the Download icon to download the instructional document.
  3. Click Replace to replace the provided instructional document with your own.  

K1 Email Templates

The firm can edit the email notifications that are delivered to K-1 recipients. The message marked as Default is sent to all K-1 recipients. See the Saved Messages section above for additional information about editing options. 

  1. Click the blue and white Add Message button to add a new message template. 
  2. Click the Edit button to edit the selected template. 
  3. Click the Delete icon to delete the selected template. 


SS Return Access Options 

Set Access settings determine the default for who is and is not allowed to view returns after upload. Administrators are allowed to view all returns, regardless of settings. 

Setting Description 
Default Access set to Everyone Click the radio button to allow all users to see all returns after upload. 
Default Access set to Individual User

Click the radio button to allow only the user who uploaded the return to view it. 

Allow user to set additional access to other users before delivery Check the box to allow the uploader to adjust access settings.
Default Access set to Uploaders User Group Click the radio button to allow users in the groups assigned to the uploading user in User Management to access the return.


Screen Share

For security purposes, some firms want to control whether users can screen share with clients. This option can be enabled or disabled firm-wide. See the Screen-Share: CPA Experience article for more information about this feature. 

Setting Description 
Enable Screen Share Toggle on to enable screen sharing for all users in the firm.


Taxpayer Authentication 

For 1040 returns, the taxpayer is required to enter part of their social security number (SSN). The firm can choose if you would like them to enter the last 4 or first 4 digits of their SSN. 

Setting Description 
Last 4 of SSN Click the radio button to have the taxpayer enter the last 4 digits of their SSN to authenticate. 
First 4 of SSN Click the radio button to have the taxpayer enter the first 4 digits of their SSN to authenticate. 


Retention Policy 

The firm can choose how long to retain standard returns and attest client returns. Returns are automatically deleted after this retention period. The firm can also decide if it would like to allow users to override this default setting before the return is delivered. 

Setting Description 

Select a Default retention period by clicking the drop-down. 

Attest Clients

Select a Default retention period by clicking the drop-down. 

Allow any user to override before delivery

Click the checkbox to allow users to override the retention period before delivery. 

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