Signer Delegation: Firm Settings

Signer Delegation allows a return receipt to grant signing responsibility to a third party.  This sends a separate access email to the selected party, and they must pass authentication in order to sign.

Enabling Signer Delegation

Please note:

Only System Administrators have access to the Settings section. 

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Click E-Sign Options.
  3. Toggle Signer Delegation ON for the selected return types.
  4. Click Apply to save any changes made. 

Turn on KBA for Signer Delegation

Once Signer Delegation is enabled, you may enable KBA (Knowledge-Based Authentication) for delegated signers. This is recommended. 

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Click E-Sign Options.
  3. Select Use Knowledge-Based Authentication to initiate the Signing Process for delegated signers under 1040 Knowledge Based Authentication. 
  4. Click Apply to save any changes made.

Next Steps:

Signer Delegation: Controller Experience 

Signer Delegation: Signer Experience

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