Watermark Setup and Usage

You have the ability to add a watermark to the PDF files downloaded by your client.

We recommend that you add watermarks in SafeSend Returns instead of your tax software to ensure the system reads the return correctly.

Watermark Settings

If the tax return and transmittals are printed together, watermarks are applied to all pages.

If the tax returns and transmittals are printed separately, watermarks are only applied to the tax return itself. The following pages will not have a watermark applied:

  • Transmittals
  • E-file
  • Paper File
  • Additional E-sign Documents
  • Vouchers
  • Invoices
  • Attachments

A System Admin can check or adjust this setting. 

  1. Navigate to the Tax Returns dashboard. 
  2. Select Settings in the left panel. 
  3. Select General in the left panel. 
  4. Navigate to the Download Options section. 
  5. Select "Include in Tax Return PDF" for watermarks to be applied to all pages OR
  6. Select "Create a Separate PDF" for watermarks to only be applied to tax return pages. 
  7. Click Apply to save any changes.

Create Watermark

Please note:

Only System Administrators have access to the Settings section.
  1. Click General under Settings in the left-hand panel. 
  2. Navigate to Watermarks and move the toggle to On
  3. Click on the green to add a new watermark. Watermarks 1-3.png
  4. Fill out the fields in the Selection Panel.
    • Name is what the user will see when selecting a watermark. 
    • Watermark Text is what will appear on the page.
    • Default will automatically apply this watermark to all returns; this can be edited during processing.  
  5. Select the location of your Watermark in the Preview Panel
    • Click the box to drag, move, resize, and rotate the watermark. 
  6. Click Save & Close to save the watermark. watermarks 4-6.png

Apply Watermark to Return 

  1. Click the Delivery Options tab during processing. 
  2. Select a watermark from the Watermark Name drop-down menu. 
  3. Click Finish to deliver the return with the watermark.Deliver return.png
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