Signature Stamp Guide

The Signature Stamp feature allows users to place an image of the ERO's signature on e-file authorization forms. Signature stamps can be placed manually by a user processing a return or automatically if configured.


  • Many tax software programs have a signature block feature that automatically places signature stamps on exported returns. If you use this feature in your tax software, do not enable Signature Stamps in Returns.
  • When Signatures Stamps are enabled, at least one ERO signature is required for a return to be delivered. If no signature stamp is applied, users receive an error.
  • The company name is substituted in e-file forms if the selected ERO/Signer:
    • Has not uploaded a signature stamp.
    • Has not selected to automatically place their signature.
Enabling ERO Signature Stamps

Please note:

Only System Administrators have access to the Settings section. 

  1. Navigate to Returns.
  2. Click Settings in the left panel.
  3. Click E-Sign Options
  4. Navigate to the Allow ERO Signature Stamps section.
  5. Click the checkbox Use ERO Signature Stamps.
  6. Click the checkbox for Enable ERO Stamp Delegation to allow partners to delegate the placement of signature stamps (optional). 
  7. Click Apply.

Setting Up a User as an ERO

For a user to appear as an ERO selection when uploading a return, they must be in the Partner user group.

Please note:

Only a system administrator can make the following changes.

  1. Navigate to Account Management
  2. Click User Management
  3. Click Edit under Actions for that user. 
  4. Check Partner in the User Groups list.
    • This will automatically be added to the User Group section. 
  5. Click Update to save any changes made. 

Adding ERO Stamps and Adjusting Settings

Users who are in the Partner group can add and edit their own signature stamp settings. System administrators can also add or edit signature stamps for partners via Account Management > User Management

Partner: Adding an ERO Signature Stamp and Adjusting Settings

Please note:

The logged-in user must be designated as a Partner to add a signature stamp to their profile. 

  1. Navigate to Returns.
  2. Click the User Profile drop-down in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Select My Settings
  4. Click Upload Signature in the pop-up and select a file from your computer. 
    • Signature stamps must be 300 x 100 pixels or smaller.
    • Supported file types include JPG, BMP, or PNG. 
    • A white background is recommended.
  5. Check the box next to Automatically place my signature stamp on e-file forms to have Returns automatically place signature stamps on e-file forms for this ERO (optional). 
  6.  Click Allow other users to apply my signature if ERO Stamp Delegation is enabled. 
    • Click Select Users to choose the users who can apply this ERO's signature stamp (optional).
  7. Click Save & Close

System Administrator: Adding an ERO Signature Stamp and Adjusting Settings

System Administrators have access to all of a partner's settings, including their delegation list. 

Please note:

Only a System Administrator can make the following changes.

  1. Navigate to Account Management
  2. Select User Management
  3. Locate the partner and select the ellipses(...) from the action menu. 
  4. Select ERO Signature.
  5. Click Upload Signature and select a file from your computer. 
    • Signature stamps must be 300 x 100 pixels or smaller.
    • Supported file types include JPG, BMP, or PNG. 
    • A white background is recommended.
  6. Check the box next to Automatically place __ signature stamp on e-file forms to have Returns automatically place signature stamps in e-file forms for this ERO (optional). 
  7.  Click Allow other users to apply __ signature if ERO Stamp Delegation is enabled. 
    • Click Select Users to choose the users who can apply this ERO's signature stamp (optional).
  8. Click the Default ERO/Signer toggle to ON to change this user's default ERO/Signer when they upload returns. 
  9. Click Save & Close

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