Invoices Overview

Firms can include invoices with Returns. This allows the client to download their invoice and optionally be directed to a payment site. This option can be enabled or disabled firm-wide. 


Invoicing can be enabled/disabled by System Admins in the Returns Settings section.

  1. Click Settings in the left panel. 
  2. Click Vouchers & Invoices in the left panel. 
  3. Toggle Enable Invoices on. 
  4. Select or deselect Allow user to send without invoice
    • When selected, users can deliver returns without including an invoice. 
  5. Select or deselect Allow user to replace invoice
    • When selected, users can upload or replace an invoice during processing. 
  6. Select Stripe to enable payments through Stripe. Please visit our Stripe Integration for Client Invoicing article for more information OR
  7. Select Third Party URL to enter a static payment URL for clients OR
  8. Select Make Payment outside of SSR System to allow the taxpayer to download the invoice, but not include online payment options. 


An invoice amount must be entered during processing. 

  1. Navigate to the Invoices tab. 
  2. Enter an Invoice Amount (required).
  3. Select whether or not to send an invoice with this return
  4. Select whether or not to Require taxpayer to pay invoice prior to reviewing the tax return (only available with Stripe integration).
  5. Click Replace Invoice to replace the existing invoice or upload a new one.  


Client Experience

Clients can download or pay their invoices based on your firm settings. 

Once the client authenticates and navigates to the Review section, they see the invoice and the option to Pay Now. This either opens a new tab to your third-party payment URL, or a Stripe payment box appears. 

If Stripe invoicing is enabled and the  Require taxpayer to pay invoice prior to reviewing the tax return option was selected during processing, the taxpayer cannot continue until payment has been made. 

If the Make Payment outside of SSR System option was selected in your firm settings, the taxpayer only has the option to Continue, they do not have the option to Pay Now. 



Related Articles

Settings: Vouchers & Invoices

Stripe Integration for Client Invoicing

Invoice Tab

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