Processing a Recalled Return

After recalling a return, a user has the option to re-process it in order to deliver it back to the taxpayer. Users see a different set of actions for recalled returns than for new returns. These actions are described below.


  • Recalled returns appear on the Send Tax Returns screen with a status of RECALLED.
  • The UltraTax CS®, GoSystem®, Lacerte®, and CCH Axcess integrations are not compatible with the reupload process for recalled returns.
    • These users must print and manually re-upload changed returns including K-1 packages. See our Recommended Print Settings article for guidance. 
  • When a recalled return is re-delivered, it does not deduct an additional return credit from your balance. 

    • The new return must have a matching tax year, return type, and SSN/EIN to successfully upload. 

Recalled returns have four actions available to them:

    1. Reprocess Return: The purple circle allows a user to process the return again without uploading a new document.
      • Please note: Once a user starts to reprocess, the Upload Corrected Return option moves to the Action menu for the return. 
    2. Upload Corrected Return: The gray recycle arrows allow a user to upload a new version of the return to replace the original document.
      • The new return must have a matching tax year, return type, and SSN/EIN to successfully upload. 
        • Please Note: SSNs cannot be masked to ensure a matching SSN/EIN.
      • If you receive an error or non-supported status, you will still have the option to re-upload. See our Error or Non-Supported Status article for troubleshooting steps. 
    3. Client Tracking: The yellow clock arrow brings up the Client Tracking pop-up for the return. It shows events related to the return, who performed them, and the date and time. 
    4. Delete Return: The red X deletes the return entirely.

After selecting the reprocess icon or uploading a corrected return, process the return as you normally would. See the Processing a Return article for more information about this. 

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