Recalling Returns With TaxCaddy™

With a TaxCaddy integration, there will be records for clients in both TaxCaddy and SafeSend Returns. If you recall a tax return, you will need to perform operations in both systems to make sure that they stay in sync.

Recalling a Return in SafeSend Returns

  1. Navigate to Delivered Returns.
  2. Click the Action Menu(...) on the return.
  3. Select Recall Return.
  4. Verify the information for the return you are recalling and click Confirm.


To learn more, see Processing a Recalled Return.

Recalling a Return in TaxCaddy

Find the Client

  1. Log into TaxCaddy.
  2. Find the client whose return you recalled.
  3. Follow the steps in the sections below.

(Optional) Delete the E-sign File

Only perform this step if you have enabled the Request E-Signatures in TaxCaddy option in SafeSend Return's TaxCaddy setup.

  1. Click on Documents.
  2. Click the More Options (...) button next to the e-sign document.
  3. Select Delete.


Delete the Vouchers

For payment vouchers for the current year:

  1. Click on Tax Payments.
  2. Make sure the Tax Year drop-down is set to the current year.
  3. Click the More Options (...) button on the payment voucher.
  4. Select Delete.


For estimated payment vouchers for the following year:

  1. Click on Tax Payments.
  2. Make sure the Tax Year drop-down is set to the following year.
  3. Click the More Options (...) button on each of the estimated payments vouchers.
  4. Select Delete.


Delete the Filing Instructions and Tax Return

  1. Click on Tax Returns in TaxCaddy
  2. Click the More Options (...) button on the filing instructions document.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. Click the More Options (...) button on the tax return.
  5. Select Delete.


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