K-1 Recipient Experience

The steps below outline how the partner or shareholder can access their K-1 package(s).

The taxpayer will receive an email notification if the K-1 recipient declines to consent to receive the document(s) electronically. 

Initial E-mail
The partner or shareholder receives a link via email that is used to access the K-1 package. The email will come from noreply@safesendreturns.com
  1. The Recipient will Click on the link in the email to go to the Authentication page.
  2. Click Request Access Code.
    • If a mobile number was entered prior to delivering, Recipient will Request Mobile Access Code.
  3. Copy the code that is sent to the email or retrieve the code sent via text message. 
  4. Enter the code in the box.
  5. Click on Continue.


K-1 Consent

K-1 Consent screen will display after the recipient has entered in access code. 

  • Click I AGREE to continue and download the documents.
  • Click DECLINE to be directed back to the Request Access Code page.



K-1 Download
  • Click the black download arrows to download the documents.



Profile Update
  1. Select Company name in the top right corner.
  2. Select My Account.
  3. Click Update.
    • Verify all information is correct.
    • Click Cancel if you wish to back out of the pop-up window. 


  • The recipient can access the K-1 package and profile section as long as the main return is valid.
    • If the main return is deleted or recalled, the K-1 links are invalid.
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