Adjusting Reminder Settings on Returns

Payment reminders help taxpayers remember to make voucher payments. Reminders to sign help taxpayers remember to review and sign their returns. They can be set per return during processing or changed after delivery on one or more returns. 


  • Reminders must be enabled in the firm's Returns Settings.
  • Payment reminders are not delivered for paid vouchers or expired vouchers.
  • Reminders to sign are not delivered after the return deadline but can be re-enabled. 
  • Taxpayers can adjust voucher reminder settings after signing a return (including turning them off).
  • See our Automated Reminders FAQ for more information. 

Processing: Setting Reminders During Processing

  1. Navigate to the Delivery Options tab during processing. 
  2. Navigate to the Reminders section.
  3. Click the toggle to enable or disable voucher and/or signing reminders on the return.
  4. Select a reminder time frame from the drop-down. 
  5. Finish processing the return.

After Delivery: Adjusting Reminders on a Single Return

  1. Navigate to Delivered Returns.
  2. Click the Action (...) menu for the return to be edited. 
  3. Click Send Reminder
  4. Click the Schedule Automated Reminder tab.
  5. Select the Send Voucher Reminder before drop-down to choose how many days before the due date the reminder is delivered. 
  6. Select the Send Signing Reminder before drop-down to choose how many days after the initial delivery or most recent reminder email the next reminder is delivered. 
    • Note: Automated reminders to sign are not delivered after the filing deadline. 
  7. Click the toggle to the right of the Voucher or Signing reminder drop-down to turn reminders on or off. 
  8. Click Save to apply any changes made. 

After Delivery: Adjusting Reminders on Multiple Returns

Please note:

When the Send Reminder button is clicked, it displays your firm's default settings. It does not display the current settings for that return. To view the current settings for a specific return, use the Action menu. 
  1. Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
  2. Click the Send Reminder button above.
  3. Click the Schedule Automated Reminder tab. 
  4. Select the Send Voucher Reminder before drop-down to choose how many days before the due date the reminder is delivered. 
  5. Select the Send Signing Reminder before drop-down to choose how many days after the initial delivery or most recent reminder email the next reminder is delivered. 
    • Note: Automated reminders to sign are not delivered after the filing deadline. 
  6. Click the toggle to the right of the Voucher or Signing reminder drop-down to turn reminders on or off. 
  7. Click Save to apply any changes made. 

Related Articles

Reminder Management

Automated Reminders FAQ

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