Download E-File Forms and Audit Page

When a return is signed, it is marked as complete with a status of either E-Signed or Uploaded. When a user receives a notification that the return is completed, they can download the e-file forms. Documents are downloaded direclty to your PC or to your My Downloads menu, depending on your perosonal settings. 

Downloading Signed E-File Forms

To download a single return's e-file forms:

    1. Locate the return and select the More drop-down.
    2. Click  Download e-file Forms.

To download multiple e-file forms:

    1. Click the checkbox next to each return OR
    2. Click the checkbox at the top of the column to select all visible returns. 
      • A new message appears asking to select all remaining filtered records. Select click here to select all filtered returns across all pages.
    3. Click Download e-file Forms.

E-File PDF Contents

Manually Signed Returns:

The downloaded forms only contain the documents uploaded by the taxpayer.  An audit page is not required for manually signed returns.

E-Signed Returns:

A single PDF file with all signed documents and an audit page is generated, which is required by the IRS. It includes information like who opened the document, who signed it, and what IP address was used. Below is a sample of one of these document history pages. 


Any e-signed documents downloaded are password-protected and cannot be edited. The audit report printed with the signed document is used as a security standard to track document history events. Allowing the report to be edited would make it unviable. 


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