Delivered Returns Dashboard

The Delivered Returns dashboard layout and navigation are outlined below. This reporting section displays all returns that have been delivered to the client but have not been archived. 



 You can upload returns for processing from the Delivered Returns section. See the Processing a Return article for more information about uploading and processing returns. 


Click the Refresh icon to refresh the page. This is helpful if you have made adjustments and don't see those reflected in real time.


Column Options

The column display can be edited to suit your needs.

  1. Click the Colum Options button.
  2. Click the toggle to turn a column on or off (display or do not display column). 
  3. The Client ID column cannot be disabled. 
  4. Drag and drop the columns to reorder them on your Delivered dashboard. 
  5. Click Ok to save any changes made. 

Filter Options 

You can apply, save, and clear filters. The filters are searches that can be saved for quick access. 

Type into the column headers or select an option from the column header drop-down to filter returns. 

Click the arrows at the top of the column to sort in ascending/descending order. 

Please note:

The tax year filter is automatically applied to show the most recent tax year returns. 


A. Apply the most recent filter that was used. 

B. Save a currently applied filter. 

  • Click Save Current Filter.
  • Enter a filter name. 
  • Click Save to add the filter to your saved filters list. 

C. Clear any applied filters. 

  • Click the Clear Filter button to remove all filters including the tax year filter. 

D. Saved Filters. 

  • Click one of your saved filters to:
    • Apply it to the Delivered Returns section. 
    • Set it as a default for whenever you visit the Delivered Returns section. 
    • Delete the saved filter. 
Export to Excel 

You can export the entire Delivered Returns Report as an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Click the Export to Excel button.

An Excel file showing all of the displayed rows/columns is created and downloaded. This report also includes taxpayer and spouse email addresses. 


Related Articles

Delivered Returns: Action Menu

Delivered Returns: Bulk Action Icons 

Delivered and Archived Return Statuses 

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