User Tracking Event Glossary

Access the User Tracking to view all activity that has occurred on the Return. 

Client Tracking

This option allows you to see actions taken by the taxpayer. 

  1. Click the Action (...) menu.
  2. Click User Tracking.
  3. By default, the Client Tracking tab will display. 

User- Client Tracking.png

Internal Tracking 

This option allows you to see actions taken by the firm. 

  1. Click the Action (...) menu.
  2. Click User Tracking.
  3. Click the Internal Tracking tab. 

User- Internal tracking.png

Client Tracking Events


Stripe invoice payments are not listed in Client Tracking. 

Taxpayer: Initial Email

Processed: The initial email was queued and sent from our server.
Delivered: The initial email was successfully delivered to the client's email address.
Open: The initial email was opened by the client.
Bounced: The initial email was not delivered. For further guidance, see Taxpayer did not Receive Email.
Taxpayer: Access Code Email
Processed: An email was requested.
Delivered: The email was successfully delivered to the email address.
Open: The initial email was opened by the client.
Bounced: The initial email was not delivered. For further guidance, see Taxpayer did not Receive Email.
Taxpayer: Tax Return Accessed
The client successfully authenticated and gained access to the return.
Taxpayer: Taxpayer Esigned - Other Signature Documents
The client successfully signed the Additional E-sign Documents included with the return. 
Tax Return
Recalled: The tax return was recalled by a user, listed to the right.
Reprocessed: The tax return was processed after being recalled.
Voucher Reminder mail status
Payment voucher reminder email has been sent to client.
Access Link selected
The client clicked the access link.
Authentication Failed
The client entered an incorrect SSN or access code.
Access Locked
The Client entered the incorrect SSN or access code 3 times.
E-file Forms Downloaded
The client has downloaded their E-File forms.
Document "(File Name)"
Client downloaded document following the start of event.
Document KBA Success
Client Successfully answered the Knowledge questions for E-Signing.
K-1's Distributed to "(Partner name)"
Client delivered K-1 to that specific person.
Files Uploaded "(File Name)"
Client uploaded their e-file forms.
Reminder Send For Signing
A reminder access link email was sent to the client.
CcRecipient: Initial Email
The taxpayer forwarded documents to a 3rd party. 
Processed: The initial email was queued and sent from our server.
Delivered: The initial email was successfully delivered to the 3rd party's email address.
Open: The initial email was opened by the 3rd party.
Bounced: The initial email was not delivered. For further guidance, see Taxpayer did not Receive Email.
Client deleted the forms they uploaded.
Paper File Returns Consented
Client accepted responsibility for printing, signing and mailing paper file return(s).

User Tracking Events 

The user uploaded the return to be processed. 
Save & Close
User saved & closed the return before delivery. 
Sent for Review
Return was Sent for Review before delivery. 
Sent for ERO/Signer
Return was sent to the ERO/Signer before delivery. 
Sent for Approve for Delivery
Return was Approved before delivery. 
Deliver to Company/Client
Return was delivered to the company or client. 
Deliver to Taxpayer/Spouse
Shows if the return was delivered to the Taxpayer or Spouse first. 
Download PDF
User downloaded a PDF copy of the return. 
E-File Forms Downloaded
User downloaded signed e-file forms from the return. 
Recalled return 
User recalled the return. 
Reprocessed Return
User reprocessed the return. 
Moved Document to Archived
User moved the return to the Archive. 
Deleted Document
User deleted the return. 
Return sent with KBA disabled (1040)
The return was delivered with knowledge-based authentication disabled. 
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