Embedded Help in the SafeSend Suite

SafeSend Suite users have access to our embedded help systems; SafeSend Steve and our chat widget powered by Forethought AI.

SafeSend Steve

Through SafeSend Steve, users receive additional information on new features, real-time release notes, and guided help throughout the product. Additionally, users see pop-ups, different buttons, and more icons throughout the SafeSend Suite that provide assistance, if needed. 


Pop-ups can be dismissed by either clicking its action button or clicking the Don't Show Again button (if applicable).

Click the SafeSend Steve icon to open a help menu. Here users can look for help with specific features within SafeSend Returns or search for information within our Help Center.

Information Icon

When you see this icon within the SafeSend Returns, you can click on it and it will provide some helpful information.

Headset Icon 

Click the headset icon to ask a question. The widget provides an AI-generated answer based on the text entered and provides links to helpful articles. 

After a response populates, you have the option to end the chat by clicking "Yes, thank you!". 

If you need additional assistance, you can click "No, I need more help." to get connected with Support staff. 

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