UltraTax CS® Integration

This article provides instructions on how UltraTax CS® users can print a return directly to SafeSend Returns. 


This feature will not work with Single Sign-On (SSO) enabled. A user will need a username and password for SafeSend Returns™ in order to transmit. If you have SSO enabled, only a System Admin can transmit returns via UltraTax®.

Keys to Getting Started

  • Prior to enabling, ensure the platform version of UltraTax CS® is 20.3.0 or later.
  • All current Supported Return Types can be uploaded if they are tax year 2020 or later.  
    • 990 returns are only supported for tax year 2023 or later. 
  • K1s must be included within the tax return package for 1065 and 1120S returns, and certain 1041 returns. 
  • Ensure that vouchers are not printed in a scannable format.

Enabling SafeSend Returns Integration

Before using the integration, the following steps need to be performed:


If accessing UltraTax CS®  from a server, the network administrator may need to complete these actions.

  1. Click the Setup menu.
  2. Click User Preferences.
  3. Click the Misc. Tab. 
  4. Check the Enable Integration with SafeSend checkbox.
  5. Click OK


Setting up SafeSend Returns as the Default for Clients

  1. Click the Utilities Menu.
  2. Click Reassign Clients.
  3. Select all clients or individual clients.
  4. Select Return Delivery in the Category drop-down. 
  5. Select SafeSend in the Return Delivery drop-down.
  6. Click Reassign to finish. 


Assembling a Return for SafeSend Returns

From within a tax return in UltraTax CS®:

  1. Click the File Menu.
  2. Click Print Returns.
  3. Select a Physical Printer. 
  4. Select only the Client copy.
  5. Click the Electronic Delivery checkbox.
  6. Click the SafeSend radio button. 
  7. Click Assemble.


If successful the following screen is displayed:


Transmitting One or More Returns to SafeSend Returns

  1. Click on the red CS Connect icon (Ctrl+K shortcut).
  2. Toggle Transmit returns to SafeSend to Yes.  Double Clicking that toggle switch keeps it locked to Yes.
  3. Click on the SafeSend tab.
  4. Select the client(s) to transmit. If successful, the return shows in the right window under Returns queued to transmit.
  5. Click the Connect button.
  6. Enter your SafeSend Returns credentials.
  7. Click Login.
    Note: UltraTax CS® requires a SafeSend Returns login for a new session. Open sessions require a one-time login.




When successful, the online status window updates with the below message. This indicates the return(s) were delivered and are now accessible in the SafeSend Returns program.


Updating the ERO within SafeSend Returns

When a return is uploaded using the UltraTax CS® integration, the user who uploaded the return is assigned as the ERO signer. The following steps are required to change the ERO signer for the correct signature stamp to be placed on the E-File forms.

  1. Click on the Client Info Tab.
  2. Click the drop-down within the ERO/Signer field.
  3. Select the desired ERO signer.
  4. Click on the E-File Tab.
  5. Click the drop-down under the signature stamp field.
  6. Select the desired ERO signer.





To ensure that your Filing Instructions and Invoice are included, you may need to edit your collation settings in UltraTax CS®.

Follow the below steps to verify that this setting is correct for a successful transfer to SafeSend Returns.

  • With the return open in UltraTax CS®, select Print and then Preview or select the Print Preview icon.
  • Client preview needs to be selected to include the Filing Instructions and Invoice.
    • The Client Copy of the return is what is transmitted to SafeSend Returns so these documents need to be included.
  • Instructions for customizing your collation in UltraTax CS® can be found using this link: Customizing the tax return print collation. 

See the Error or Non-Supported Status article for additional troubleshooting steps. 


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