GoSystem® Tax RS Integration

This article provides instructions for how GoSystem®users can print a return directly to SafeSend Returns. Users can also upload returns manually as outlined in the Processing a Return article. 


The integration currently only supports 1040 and 1120 returns. All other return types will need to be manually uploaded into SafeSend Returns.

Enabling the Integration

  1. Click on the Admin tab in GoSystem® Tax RS.
  2. Click on Firm Configuration from the left-hand menu.
  3. Click the General Options tab.
  4. Check Enable SafeSend to turn the integration on.
  5. Click Update to save your settings.


Send Returns via Integration

Sending the returns directly to SafeSend Returns happens at the Print Selection screen.

  1. Set the Type drop-down to either 1040 or 1120.
    • Other return types cannot currently use the integration.
  2. Select All under Copy Types.
  3. Select e-File Attachments under Options.
  4. Click Send to SafeSend when ready to transmit the return directly to SafeSend Returns. 


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