The video below shows you a typical 1040 return experience from the perspective of the taxpayer.
1. Welcome to the 1040 client experience as seen on a desktop.
2. You will receive an email from
3. Click Let’s Get Started to open the return.
4. Click Get Started to continue.
5. Enter the first or last four digits of your Social Security number.
6. Click Confirm.
7. Click Send Code to generate an access code. This code is sent to your email address or mobile device, depending on your firm's settings. The code is valid for 20 minutes, until you use it, or until you generate a new code.
8. Retrieve the code from your email inbox or mobile device.
9. Enter the code and click Confirm.
10. Depending on your firm's settings, you may see an SMS Consent window. If you would like to recieve text reminders to sign your return, enter your mobile number and click Yes. If you do not want to receive text message reminders, click No.
11. This is the landing page for your return. A summary of your refunds and payments due is available in the left panel.
12. Click the contact button to see the contact information for someone at your tax firm.
13. Click your name to edit your profile or logout.
14. You can also preview the steps required to complete your return.
15. Click Get Started to begin.
16. Review the message from your tax firm and click Next.
17. If an invoice was included with your return, it is displayed at the beginning of the review step. You may see an option to Pay Now, which directs you to your tax firm's payment site. You may be required to pay before continuing.
18. Once the invoice has been reviewed or paid, click Next.
19. You can review each section of your return by clicking the section name in the left panel. Within the section, you can scroll down, use the navigation arrows at the top, or use the bookmark panel on the right to move through the pages.
20. If attachments were included with your return, you are re-directed to a new page. Click Notes to see instructions from your firm.
21. Click Download or Download All to retrieve the documents.
22. You can also Forward or Download documents in the Review section.
23. To forward, select one or more documents, enter one or more recipient email addresses and optional mobile numbers, and click Send. They recieve only a PDF copy of the selected documents and are not prompted to sign, pay, or perform any other action.
24. To download, select one or more documents and click OK, or click Download All.
25. Click Next to continue.
26. Depending on your firm's settings, you may see options to e-sign, manually sign, or delegate signing. This video demonstrates the e-signing process. Click e-Sign to continue.
27. Enter or confirm your Date of Birth.
28. Click the consent to e-Sign checkbox.
29. If there is a spouse on the return, enter or confirm their email address, and click Next.
30. You are prompted to answer Knowledge-Based Authentication questions before signing your return. Answer 3 of 5 questions correctly to continue.
31. Click the Start flag to begin.
32. Click the green Signature block.
33. You can choose to type or draw your signature, then click Apply to sign the form.
34. Click the Next flag to be guided to the next signature field.
35. Click the green Signature block to apply your previously chosen signature.
36. As the pages are signed, they are checked off in the left panel.
37. Continue to click the Next flag to be guided to any additional fields.
38. Once all fields are completed, click Next to continue.
39. Double-check or update your spouse information.
40. Click Next to finalize signing.
41. If paper file returns were included with your return, you will see another message from your tax firm. Review the message and click Next to continue.
42. Click to print or download your paper file return.
43. Click I Consent to access the forms. Click Skip to move to the next step without printing or downloading your paper file returns.
44. This is the pay section. You'll see any payment vouchers that were included with the return.
45. Adjust your automated reminder settings as needed.
46. Click Pay.
47. You have the option to pay online or download the voucher and filing instructions.
48. Click Add Payment Details.
49. This is for record keeping purposes only! This does not initiate or confirm that any payment has been made to the taxing authority. Click Done to continue.
50. Enter payment details and click Add Payment to save any changes.
51. The voucher is marked as Paid. You can edit this anytime by clicking the Edit Payment Details button.
52. You can download all your vouchers and filing instructions here. Click Next.
53. This section has your Estimated Tax Payments, broken up by date in the left panel. You have the same payment options available.
54. Click Done after reviewing or paying your vouchers.
55. You are directed back to your return dashbhoard where you can go back to your vouchers section, review or distribute your K-1s, or view or download your documents. Click the Contact button if you have any questions or concerns about your return.
56. That concludes our tutorial. Thank you for watching!
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **
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