Resending Access Links for Signed Returns

If a taxpayer wants to access their signed return but has lost the email containing the link, you can resend an access link to them.  This allows them to reaccess the link, authenticate, and then review, download, and make payments as necessary.


This option is only for signed returns. If a taxpayer has not yet signed their return and needs a link to it, use the Send Reminder option. See the article Sending Reminders for Unsigned Returns for more information. 


  1. Navigate to Delivered Returns or Archived Returns.
  2. Find the taxpayer's return and click the More (...) drop-down in the Action column.
  3. Click Resend Access Link.
  4. Click the arrow icon to resend the access link to the taxpayer OR
  5. Click the paper icon to copy the live access link to your clipboard. 

Additional information

For joint returns, the Resend Access Link pop-up shows separate lines for the taxpayer and their spouse. You can resend links to one or both as needed.


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