Settings: Client Instructions

Users can customize messages and instructions that the taxpayer will see as they make their way through their return. Default messaging is provided for each section. Users may choose to use the defaults provided or they can add their own at any time. 


System Admins are the only users who can access Settings.

Access Client Instructions

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click Client Instructions.

Client Instructions Overview


Whichever message is marked as the Default is sent to all return recipients. These templates cannot be selected on a return-by-return basis.

  1. Select the return type that you wish to view the Client Instructions for.
    • Returns - These are for returns sent on their own. 
    • Group Returns- These are for returns sent as part of a group.
  2. Click the Select Type drop down to select E-sign or Manual Sign templates.  

  1. View the name of the message, with a brief description of where the message is located or when it is sent.
  2. Click the Add button to add additional message templates to the relevant field.
  3. View a list of all current message templates that have been saved, listed by name.
  4. View a preview of the message.
  5. Click the Edit button to make any needed changes to an existing template.
  6. Click the Delete button to remove the selected message template from the list.

Adding New Instructions

Please note:

We do not recommend adding images or logos that exceed 5000 bytes. This is not supported and may cause issues with returns being delivered successfully. 
  1. Click the Add Message button to open a new window. 
  2. Click the toggle Default slider if the new instruction should be the default.
  3. Enter the Name of the message.  
  4. Enter the Subject of the message.
  5. Enter the Text in the body of the message.
  6. Click Variable List to see bracketed variables that can be used to personalize the message.
  7. Click Add to save the new template. 

Editing Existing Client Instructions

  1. Select the Instruction to be edited.
  2. Click the Edit icon to open a new window.
  3. Click the toggle Default slider if the instruction should be the default.
  4. Enter the Name of the message.  
  5. Enter the Subject of the message.
  6. Enter the Text in the body of the message.
  7. Click Variable List to see bracketed variables that can be used to personalize the message.
  8. Click Save to save any edits made to the template. 

Message Descriptions 

Message Description
Initial Email This is the first message sent to the client when the return is delivered.
Review and Sign Reminder This is a reminder email sent to the client per the options set during delivery.
Voucher Reminders This reminder email is sent prior to the voucher due date to clients.
Download E-Signed Forms This message is sent to clients once all required parties have completed e-signing the forms in the return.
Recalled Return Instructions This email is sent to clients when the firm recalls their return for correction. 
Payment Instruction This email is sent when payments are required by the client.
Invoice Payment Success Mail Notification The client receives an email message when their invoice is successfully paid (only applies when Stripe is used). 
Voucher Revision Mail Notification This notification is sent to the client when the firm uploads new estimated vouchers to the return. 
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