Adding Custom Authorities

This setting will allow you to add custom tax authorities to the drop-down list of our default authorities when adding or editing vouchers, refunds, and e-file forms.

Add Custom Authority 

  1. Click the Navigation Widget in the top right-hand corner.  
  2. Navigate to the Product Settings.
  3. Click Vouchers & Invoices.
  4. Click Add to add a new authority.
  5. Click the State drop-down to select the state for the authority. 
  6. Type into the City field to enter a city name. 
  7. Type into the Online Payment URL field to add a default online payment URL for the authority. 
  8. Click the Prefix State Code with City Name checkbox to prefix the city name with the state abbreviation (optional). 
  9. Click the Activated checkbox to make the authority available to processors. 
  10. Click Add to save the new authority.

Edit Custom Authority 

  1. Click Edit to edit the authority information.
    • Only the authority URL can be updated if the authority is in use. 
  2. Click Delete to delete the authority. 
    • Authority cannot be deleted if it is 'In-Use'. Select option C if the option needs to be removed from available authorities. 
  3. Click Deactivate to make the authority unavailable to processors. 
    • The same button will say Activate if the authority is deactivated. 

Add Authority During Processing

Once the authority has been added, it appears in any Authority drop-down that appears throughout the processing of a return.



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